
The Mayor of Croydon

The Mayor is the borough’s First Citizen. She represents Croydon at hundreds of civic, ceremonial and social engagements throughout the year.

I am a born and bred Croydonian.

You can find out more about me on the Mayor of Croydon Facebook page and on the Croydon Council Website.


Hackney Speaker's Online Quiz

This was a fundraiser organised by one of fellow mayors. It was great fun. I had a team with my parents and my consort. Mark and I consulted with them during the quiz via WhatsApp.

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04/12/20 19:00

Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree Virtual Lighting-up Ceremony

This was another event which is normally essential in the Croydon Mayor's calendar and an another opportunity to get to know our fellow mayors.

Unfortunately this year again it was not possible so there was a prerecorded lighting up ceremony which was premiered at the above time.

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03/12/20 18:00

YouTube Interview with Andrew Brown

This is the next in my YouTube interviews. This time with the amazing Andrew Brown from the Croydon BME Forum.


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03/12/20 14:00

Make a video message for Asian Curry Awards

Normally the Mayor of Croydon is a regular attendant at this event but unfortunately this is not possible this year so it is being broadcast over Sky TV.

I agreed to send a message of support.

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03/12/20 10:00


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